Connie Bea

We said goodbye to one of our own this week.  Our dear beloved Connie Bea ended her fight with pancreatic cancer and is now at peace and not in pain any longer.

Connie was a bright light to all who knew her.  She graced the My Sister Knits community for years, first as a customer, then as a treasured staff member, and again as a customer.

We reminded each other of our thoughts of her as we were sitting around the community table on Tuesday:

Connie was a gracious soul who enriched the lives of all who met her.  She was full of kindness, laughter, and was always smiling.

She absolutely loved the color lime green with a passion and anyone who knew her knew that.  It was her trademark. She even had green polish on her toes in the summer and convinced others to do the same!  

Connie had impeccable style and loved to shop. She was elegant and would laugh at us for saying that. We loved seeing her finds!

Anyone who met her more than once probably heard her talking about her family.  She treasured her extended family of nieces and nephews immensely. As she was talking about them or knitting for them, you could see the love she had for them in her eyes.

Connie wasn’t afraid of hard work and would pitch in to help at a moment’s notice.  She was good with hand tools which was always a little surprising because she always looked exquisite!

Besides being an excellent knitter, Connie was a superb quilter. She made the most gorgeous quilts! 

Connie was down to earth and wouldn’t hesitate to tell you her opinion but she was always diplomatic.

She was a shining light who never once complained during her illness.  She had hope until the very end.  

We will miss you sorely, dear Connie.

To paraphrase Nicholas Sparks:

This is not goodbye, my dear friend,

This is a thank you.

Thank you for coming into our lives and giving us joy.


Oaken Shawl


Knoble Yarn Fest