Join the Visible Mending Movement!

My Sister Knits now offers a new, cutting edge class taught by Kimberly: Visible Mending and Embroidering Knitwear!  The dates are Tuesdays April 24 and May 1 from 6 until 8pm. There is a movement afoot in the crafting community that embraces visible mending as an artform and a thing of beauty.  My Sister Knits, Fort Collins, visible mending, knitting classesMending our well-loved and often-worn hand knitted and crocheted items allows them to become whole again and have another lease on life!  It can easily become a meditative practice in addition to being a functional one.This is a new idea to a lot of us!  Just think of all the pieces of clothing that have been given up on because of a place that needed mending but it would show, which wasn’t acceptable.  With the Visible Mending movement gaining popularity, we can intentionally draw attention to spots where pieces have worn through, become snagged and torn, or been chewed by your cat.     My Sister Knits, visible mending, northern Colorado, knitting classesVisible Mending and embroidering can enhance the beauty of a garment and add uniqueness, giving it a style and personality all its own.  As Aicha Abbadi, Berlin-based fashion designer, maker, and theorist says about Visible Mending,  “…... the proponents of this tradition strongly believe that the act of repair does not only serve to bring a garment back to its original state, but rather adds to its value and demarcates a visible episode in its history by inscribing traces of use and care.”My Sister Knits, Colorado, Fort Collins Colorado, visible mending, knitting classesKimberly will teach applique which is patching from the front, reverse applique which is patching from behind, darning which is mending a hole, embroidery and duplicate stitch which are decorative.Sign up for this class while there is still room and start rescuing your precious but threadbare handmade garments!  Call the shop at 970.407.1461 or sign up online.


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