What kind of superhero would you be?

While this is not a question you might consider on an average day, it could be a question you consider if you decide to visit a local exhibition that we think you might enjoy. © Mark NewportMark Newport is this week’s Colorado State University artist-in-residence who pays homage to his favorite comic book characters in a unique fashion, making hand-knitted, life-sized superhero costumes.You parents out there may not be surprised to learn that it was his eldest child becoming old enough to head to the park alone that got the artist thinking about super powers.You can learn more about Mark and his creations in an article published in the Coloradoan.  Or you could head over to the University Art Museum and meet him in person this evening.  He will be giving a lecture at 5pm today February 3rd to kick start his week of being in residency.  There is another Gallery talk with him scheduled for Friday the 5th at 4pm.We hope that a visit to the gallery is something that you can add to your schedule, because a closer look at his knitted costumes may change some of your ideas about knitting.“The series of empty hanging costumes gives the viewer the feeling that anyone can be a superhero. In addition, adding the aspect of knitting flipped the traditional concept of masculinity on its head. Superheroes are strong as steel but the fabric gives them a softness.”Check it out, and then stop by and tell us what you think of his work.  Perhaps we can help you plan a costume of your own?


Snuggly soft stripes


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